The mixed up chamaleon.
I have choose this story because it's a tipical folktale, and one member of the group has tell it and we perfommed it in class.
Children are given a ticket before getting into the class. They have to give it to the zoo worker to get in. Once they are inside the class, the pre-telling starts.
-Zoo worker: Hello everyone, welcome to my zoo. As you can see there are a lot of... Oh! Where
are the animals? I can’t find them. Can you help me?
She starts looking for the animals and
encourages the kids to do the same. When a child finds an animal, he or she has
to put it in the cage. When all of them have been found, the zoo worker sings
this song to get their attention and make them quiet:
"Shh, be quiet please sit down, please sit down,
please sit down.
Shh be quiet, please sit down, listen, listen,
-Zoo worker: Thank you! Here are all the animals.
Do you know their names? Let’s say the names together…
She takes every toy and teaches the name to the
children. And now, open your eyes, close your mouth and
prepare your ears to this story…
Once upon a time, there was a chameleon that lived
in the forest. He was a very special animal because he could change the color
of his skin.
don’t like being a chameleon. I’m sad.
One day, he was bored and he decided to go to
the zoo. When he arrived to the zoo, he was walking and walking and he saw the,
fish? Turtle? Elephant?
look! It’s an elephant!
everyone! I’m the elephant, I’m veeery big. I have a looong trunk. I’m veery happy. And my color is grey.
And the
chameleon sang a song about the elephant. Let’s all try to sing along!
Everybody stand up and dance with us!
Grey grey the elephant is grey
Grey grey the elephant is grey.
Grey grey the elephant is grey
The elephant is grey, grey, grey”
- -Wow!
The elephant is very strong. I like him a lot! I want to be an elephant too!
And suddenly, there was a flash and a bank
(lights off and music) he turned grey like the elephant and a trunk grow from
his nose and he was happy.
Then a fly flew over his head, he was really
hungry, but he couldn’t eat the fly.
“Try to catch me, try to catch me
You can not, you can not
Now you’re
can’t eat. I don’t like being an elephant.
The chameleon was sad again, and he kept on
walking to a lagoon where he saw a, Giraffe? Polar bear? Flamingo?
look! It’s a flamingo!
everyone! I’m the flamingo, I’m veeery elegant and beautiful. I have looong legs. I’m veery happy. And my color is
the chameleon sang a song about the flamingo!
Pink, pink the flamingo is pink
Pink, pink the flamingo it is pink
The flamingo is pink pink pink ”
The flamingo is very beautiful. I like him a lot! I want to be a flamingo too!
And suddenly, there was a flash and a bank,
(lights off and music) and he turned pink like the flamingo and his legs grew
longer and he was happy.
Then a fly flew over his head, he was really
hungry, but he couldn’t eat the fly.
can’t eat. I don’t like being a flamingo
The chameleon was sad again, and he kept on
walking to a lake where he saw a fish
look! It’s a fish!
everyone! I’m the fish, I’m veeery small. I have short fins. I can swim. I’m
veery happy. And my color is orange.
orange the fish is orange
orange the fish is orange
fish is orange orange orange”
The fish can swim. I like him a lot! I want to be a fish too!
And suddenly he turned orange like the fish and
his legs became fins and he was happy.
Then a fly flew over his head, he was really
hungry, but he couldn’t eat the fly.
“Try to catch me, try to catch me
You can not, you can not
You’re not a chameleon, you’re not a chameleon
Now you’re
can’t eat. I don’t like being a fish
The chameleon was sad again, and he kept on
walking to a terrarium where he saw a turtle
look! It’s a turtle!
everyone! I’m the turtle , I’m veeery small. I can live inside my shell. I’m veery happy .
And my color is green.
Green, green, the turtle is green
Green, green, the turtle is green
The turtle is green, green, green”
- Wow! The turtle can live inside his shell. I
like him a lot! I want to be a turtle too!
And suddenly, there was a flash and a blank
(lights off and music) and he turned green like the turtle and a shell grew on
his back and he was happy.
Then a fly flew over his head, he was really
hungry, but he couldn’t eat the fly.
can’t eat. I don’t like being a turtle
The chameleon was sad again, and he kept on
walking to a really cold area where he saw a polar bear
look! It’s a polar bear!
everyone! I’m the polar bear, I’m veeery big. I can live in cold places and I’m
very strong. I’m
veery happy . And my color is white.
White, the polar bear is white
White, the polar bear is White
White, the polar bear is White
polar bear is White White White”
- Wow! The polar bear can live in cold places. I
like him a lot! I want to be a polar bear too!
And suddenly, there was a flash and a bank and
he turned white like the polar bear and his hands became claws and he was happy.
Then a fly flew over his head, he was really
hungry, but he couldn’t eat the fly.
“Try to catch me, try to catch me
You can not, you can not
You’re not a chameleon, you’re not a chameleon
Now you’re
can’t eat. I don’t like being a polar bear
The chameleon was sad again, and he kept on
walking to an area with tall trees where he saw a giraffe
look! It’s a giraffe!
everyone! I’m the giraffe, I have a veeery long neck. I can eat leaves from veeery tall trees . I’m veery happy .
And my color is yellow.
yellow, the giraffe is yellow
yellow, the giraffe is yellow
yellow, the giraffe is yellow”
giraffe is yellow yellow yellow”
-Wow! The
giraffe has a very long neck. I like him a lot! I want to be a giraffe too!
And suddenly, there was a flash and a bank and
he turned yellow like the giraffe and his neck grew longer and he was happy.
Then a fly flew over his head, he was really
hungry, but he couldn’t eat the fly.
“Try to catch me, try to catch me
You can not, you can not
You’re not a chameleon, you’re not a chameleon
Now you’re sad”
can’t eat. I don’t like being a giraffe. I’m so tired and hungry. I was happier
when I was a chameleon. I wish I could be myself again!
there was a flash and a bank and he turned a chameleon. He was happy to be
himself again. Then a fly flew over
can finally eat you!!!!
Once the
story is told, it's time for the animal domino. A teacher explains the
activity, but before playing the game she asks about the story.
did you like the story?
the Chameleon happy when he is like the elephant?
the Chameleon happy when he is like the flamingo?
the chameleon happy when he is himself?
you want to play a game?
play the animal domino
She hands
out the domino pieces and leads the children through the activity. They have to
stick the pieces in the blackboard until the game is completed.
The actors
say goodbye and the performance ends.
Hope you like the story, the performance and the pre, the telling and the post telling style.
Ester C.