miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014



Today we are going to speak about...


Sometimes we want to our students to listen and then speak like we do it but how to do this in a different way?

Today I will talk about how to get some fun and interesting skills that we saw in class. As through two videos, one a story and a song we can work around this. I'm going to show you the story and the song and then I will give you some ideas some suitables games and activities (like exercises) to work hard in listening and speaking.


The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children's picture book designed, illustrated and written by Eric Carle. It features a caterpillar who eats its way throught a wide variety of foodstuffs before pupating and emerging as a butterfly.

With this story we can work : the numbers, the development of the caterpillar to butterfly , food , days of the week, the antagony of night and day (sun and moon) and finally the concept of hunger or what it means to be hungry .

Some suitable activities and games for how to learn Speaking:

-True or False: After hearing the story the teacher may ask questions of understanding the story . They must speak and tell what they have understood, justifying each answer. If the students are older (5 years) we could ask them to do it themselves questions or to their class-mates.

-The sentence round or Describe and draw: There are also two more activities very suitables to do after the very hungry catterpillar.

Some suitable activities and games for how to learn Listening:

-Mime what happened.
-Listening grids
-Questions gallery


Singing it's a very nice and practical way to work the pronuntiation:
My reflection of this is that we have to:
Give our students the main opportunity that is to imitate, they also are reviewing the parts of contains and they make appropriate English sounds
With this Simon Says version we can teach: the parts of the body, actions, and music instruments.
"Debbie & Friends" recorded a live concert at Berklee College of Music's CAFE 939 in Boston. Here there are performing their "Simon Says" game song. We had a great time sawing it in class! 

Some suitable activities and games for how to learn Speaking:

-Sentence round
-Three things about me (about the game-song)
-Find a friend who can (actions from the game-song)
-Agree or desagree (some statements about the Simon says)

Some suitable activities and games for how to learn Listening:
-The Gym sequence 
-Listen and respond
-Colour dictation
Follow the route.

                                                                 Hope you liked it as I liked!                               Ester C.

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