domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014
sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014
Today ... mmm you smell it? It smells great! It smells like chocolate and fun!
It is known by all, children 8-9 years still dream illusion, the magic and unthinkable things but they try to give us an appearience that are older and do not need anybody else or anything else and
assume the reality as it is.
However the literature tells us that if there is a story that fascinated students of that age is: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. It is a work of art in children's literature and has translated a long time a lot of languages.
Obstinate:stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
Luscious: (of food or drink) having a pleasingly rich, sweet taste.
Perplex: (of something complicated or unaccountable) cause (someone) to feel completely baffled.
Indignant: Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.
Ludicrous: So foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.
Luminous: Glowing or shinning.
Loathe: Feel intense dislike or disgust for.
Wretched: (of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state.
Collide:hit with force when moving.
THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IN THIS BOOK: Visual and Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical.
The teacher will bring to class a velvet bag, inside it will be a chocolate bar. We want our students to touch and pass each other the bag. The class must guess who hides in the bag. After they show what is inside and the teacher will give them a piece of chocolate bar each and must write and then share that they have felt and what it means for them to eat a piece of chocolate.
Once done this, we will speak to our students why this introductory activity and why this book.
The story is the same always.
For the post telling we will realize a poster with the characters and expressing feelings and characteristics. We will use ITC tool very innovative and really like is Glogster. This website helps us design very beautiful and cool besides being very explanatory and visual posters. We groups in each class and make your poster on the characters and their characteristics.
Students can choose from a poster on new vocabulary words and characters of the book or can make a poster book report, ie, through this very visual and simple way to explain it has seemed the book and then expose in class. It would be something like this:
Real Example of Glogster: Book report. (Click there)
Ester C.
However the literature tells us that if there is a story that fascinated students of that age is: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. It is a work of art in children's literature and has translated a long time a lot of languages.
Obstinate:stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
Luscious: (of food or drink) having a pleasingly rich, sweet taste.
Perplex: (of something complicated or unaccountable) cause (someone) to feel completely baffled.
Indignant: Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.
Ludicrous: So foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.
Luminous: Glowing or shinning.
Loathe: Feel intense dislike or disgust for.
Wretched: (of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state.
Collide:hit with force when moving.
THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IN THIS BOOK: Visual and Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical.
The teacher will bring to class a velvet bag, inside it will be a chocolate bar. We want our students to touch and pass each other the bag. The class must guess who hides in the bag. After they show what is inside and the teacher will give them a piece of chocolate bar each and must write and then share that they have felt and what it means for them to eat a piece of chocolate.
Once done this, we will speak to our students why this introductory activity and why this book.
For the post telling we will realize a poster with the characters and expressing feelings and characteristics. We will use ITC tool very innovative and really like is Glogster. This website helps us design very beautiful and cool besides being very explanatory and visual posters. We groups in each class and make your poster on the characters and their characteristics.
Students can choose from a poster on new vocabulary words and characters of the book or can make a poster book report, ie, through this very visual and simple way to explain it has seemed the book and then expose in class. It would be something like this:
Real Example of Glogster: Book report. (Click there)
Ester C.
Today I bring you something really interesting, or at least to me and a lot of students between 8 and 12 years it seems. Nowadays we are more interested our students to be able to read and to improve their writing and spelling that they know a lot of knowledges.
It is a series of books called: Greg's Diary (in Spanish), The wimpy kid (in English)
First, Greg loves you leave one thing clear: this is not a diary. We already know what it says on the cover. And that Greg asked his mother SPECIFICALLY when he went to buy that, buy a notebook, did not have the label daily. Being almost adolescent can be very annoying. Nobody knows better than Greg Heffley, immersed in the harsh environment of the institute, where smallers guys who have not stuck lug have to share the halls with big boys already shave their selves twice daily.
In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley's star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend's newfound popularity to his own advantage, kicking off a chain of events that will test their friendship in hilarious fashion.
It's not a tipical book of literature but it's reading for children about 8 to 12 years old.
Diary of a Wimpy one children's books engaging in good readers and encourages lazy, because the layout of text in page and the abundance of illustrations make it very attractive is. Hence Greg's adventures have become a favorite adventures of children worldwide. Critics worldwide have concluded that Jeff Kinney have created a modern and fun character that generates a reading addiction.
Wimpy kid: Someone weak, not striking, low physical strength among other things.
Sarcastic: Characterized by making fun of something or irony.
Humiliate:To cause a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; embarrass.
Degrade: To lower in character or quality; insult.
Dignity: Self-respect or esteem.
Promotion: Encouragement or advancement.
Confer: To consult together; compare opinions.
Hassle: To bother or annoy.
Blubbering: Weeping noisily and without restraint.
Satisfy: Full of desires, needs and demands.
Wimpy kid: Someone weak, not striking, low physical strength among other things.
Sarcastic: Characterized by making fun of something or irony.
Humiliate:To cause a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; embarrass.
Degrade: To lower in character or quality; insult.
Dignity: Self-respect or esteem.
Promotion: Encouragement or advancement.
Confer: To consult together; compare opinions.
Hassle: To bother or annoy.
Blubbering: Weeping noisily and without restraint.
Satisfy: Full of desires, needs and demands.
THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IN THIS BOOK: Linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal.
First of all, we are going to talk about feelings, wich vocabulary they known than: sad, happy, angry, envious and other basic words. When each of class has expressed and we have checked and found the level of vocabulary, we will ask them why we were speaking today of feelings.
We will present the book and tell them that before reading it will work a number of vocabulary words very present and representative of the book. And work the pronunciation and words with a few games on the touch screen board using the new ITC's. With this website:
Games to practice vocabulary
If you don't know anything about the story you can know something with the author of the books.
Students begin the scenes video from performing the teacher.
An example and the first scene for the students to continue the invented story is:
The first video done. They have to continue this story
viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014
From eight years old begins to awaken the artistic emotion in your children. They are interested in the detailed description of the story. All those exciting stories or keep them in suspense until the end make them identify with the characters and feel part of the story.
Do not forget that you play a very important role. Your way of explaining the history and describe the characters will fascinate them about the story. At this age it is common for children asks theirselves, "Is this really happened?" Or "Does this story is true?". Seeks to satisfy tell historical, scientific or personal narratives (will love you to tell stories from your childhood). And no need to abandon the fiction of all; not have all traveled five continents and we bathed in the South Seas.
If the story is not entirely true you must tell the truth to your child: "More or less occurred to me something but I embellished a little story to make it more fun. Did you like it? ".
Storytelling no longer a first "reading aloud" that can help your child wakes up in the pleasure of reading.
From the eight years is very likely that your child prefer to read their own books will tell you stories. You will feel predilection for certain subjects in particular: adventure, poetry, stories of gangs, humor books, nonfiction books, various countries, animals, science, sports, invention and games etc.
Therefore, we must understand that it is a difficult age and believe it or not we play a very important role in both stories as teachers. Children do not want to leave her childhood.
ICT'S are not harmful if they can also be used in this unit we will see various resources and materials that will serve them for when they are older and have to do work with your computer.
Now there is an innovation that everyone is seeing clearly, children with tablets and as new technologies quickly become involved and we can not stay behind but we can leave behind the classic children's literature.
Remember we don't have to be out of fashion, education is always changing!
Ester C.
jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014
From reading to writing
How to make it more easier, how to make it simple

Reading provides a scaffold for learning to write and it is frequently appropriate to teach reading and writing in an integrated way, both in the initial stages and when children have more developed skills.
First with a balanced reading programme: It is based on sight words.
Sight words are words that are recognized as wholes, on sight. To learn a sight word, the students must:
- See the word in context many times
- Hear the word and say it aloud
- Identify the word, in context and in isolation
Through intensive and extensive reading they can get a vocabulary development. For example, we can makes word walls or semantic mapping, a class dictionary, word buildings (phonics)…
A balanced writing programme: Comprehension strategies
Different approaches:
- Linear approach: Comprehension takes place through progressive analysis of small units beginning with the word and ending in the sentence.
- Psycholinguistic approach: Emphasizing the paragraph as basic text unit and focus on mental process leading to global comprehension.
- How teachers can do in class:
- Draw in / activate students’ prior knowledge
- Develop students’ awareness of clue-searching strategies
- Select text based on students’ interests and knowledge and make comprehension an integrated part of the curriculum
- Use different reading materials (including readers) and design a variety of tasks for different purposes
Remember to do always something special for them, they have to learn in an active way
Ester C.
Here we are, another day and another story!
Today is a folktale turn! Very classical
The Dreamy Milk-Maid.
First of all I want to tell everyone why I have choose this story because:
- In Spanish it is the same story and is also a folktale. When I was little girl I loved hearing this story and develop my imagination as does the milkmaid.
- Also I think that is a story that you can instill in students many values above all and big and emotional a moral.
-There is a said in both: English and Spanish some phrases that defines good morals and that is: "Building castles in air will not stand". We could also teach children the other said and explain it well as it is this: "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched".
-The real moral is that we should not consider anything as definite until we have done the necessary work to make it a reality.This story teaches them that are forgiven if any misfortune happens if they are wrong, but it must be precabidos. Is that children understand that is fine dream and imagine but you have to keep our feet on the ground when it's needed.
Today it's gonna be a different day to tell the story. This story it's going to be tell when in class they will have finish the project of: THE FARM.
What we want our children to learn in a super simple way, somo simple process about some products like THE BUTTER and HOW CHICKENS GROW.
It's time for stroytime so as always we are going to sing our song:

What we want our children to learn in a super simple way, somo simple process about some products like THE BUTTER and HOW CHICKENS GROW.
It's time for stroytime so as always we are going to sing our song:
The teacher is dressed up like a milkmaid, after sing the storytime song she speaks to the children like she was a real milkmaid. She has to explain in what her job consist and she has also to involve the children with a sentece like:
Do you want to know what happened to me one month ago? (And tell the story involving children and creating
creating in them wanting to hear, with spaces of intrigue and lots of really mainly thanks to the milkmaid disguise.
Once upon a time there was a maid who lived in the countryside. She had a small piece of land where she had a cow that had started to give good milk.
Once she got a bucket of milk from the cow, she put it on her head decided to take it to the market.
While she was on her way, she began to think what she would do with the money she would get from the milk.
First, she would buy some hens from Farmer Brown, and the would lay eggs every morning.
The, she thought that she could sell the eggs and that she would get a lot of money.
As soon as she had the money, she would buy herself a new dress.
At this point, she imagined that the women of the village would be so jealous of her new clothes that she would just toss her head at tem.
As she thought this, she tossed her head back, the bucket fell off, and all the milk, along with her dreams, was gone.
The milkmaid (the teacher) has brought a little chicken so while some tables are doing to worksheets about the process of growing up of the eggs and how is made the butter by milk from cows.

So after or while some tables are doing the worksheets the teacher can show the little chicken and talk about this animal and that it has grow from an egg.

Also after all we can see the video about the story of the milkmaid and ask them questions about the story and the moral.
In the first worksheet the teacher explains the growing up about chickens. After they have to explain to the ohter (one of each table) they have to explain with their own words how they think.
In the second worksheet they have to draw the milk,the butter and other to things that is produced by the cow and by the milk, like cheese and cream.
Hope you liked this new ideas about storytelling,
And remember that...You can't count your chickens before they hatch!
Ester C.
sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014
Time for story, time for story!
Listening ears ON! Today another tale, but today not a folktale.
With this story we can teach our students so much values, like: don't be selfish, the importance of sharing, be friend with the others and don't treat someone as you don't want to be treat.
After the teacher has all children sit down in the corner of storytelling, she is going to "make theater" that is...She is going to let children think that she's selfish but she can't say anything. The attractive of this pre-telling is that children aren't going to recognize her teacher because she is never selfish and now she is.
The teacher will say:
-Do not touch my land, do not sit with my friend, look at me, give me your toys, I will not let my story book to you anymore...
When the teacher sees that children react or even someone asks what's wrong.
The teacher will say: Why not Miss behaves like this normally? This I have done, is being selfish person when you want it all for yourself and do nothing for others and they do not share with anyone.
After the teacher has explained the concept of selfish, she says that the story of today is about: A SELFISH TOAD.
"The Selfish Toad" is a Spanish story, which can translate into English. The story is about a frog that lives in a pond where it has rained a lot and there are plenty of water. The toad lives and rests in that pond, many animals will enjoy or drink from the pond but the frog will not let them. Do not share your pond with anyone with any animal. Over time runs out pond water and the frog begins to mourn and dehydrated. Meanwhile were all animals that will "upset the toad" animals to learn that the toad was wrong was told that would lead to the lake where everyone played, laughed and drank and enjoyed. The toad was very soprendido and learned a valuable lesson: We must not be selfish, we must share and be friends with everyone.
Story Circle:
One person begins a tale WITH USING THE CONCEPT OF SELFISH and stops after a few sentences. The next person picks up the story thread and continues it, then stops. Next person adds to it and so on until the tale comes to a resolution. The story could begin with a pre-selected title or subject to guide the improvisation. Try recording the story circle on a tape recorder for later listening.
Hope you like this Spanish story, and remember don't be Selfish!
Ester C.
Ssssh be quiet, please sit down, please sit down, please sit down.
Ssssh be quiet, please sit down, listen, listen, listen. (Song)
This story I think it's interesting to tell it, as it is a typical folktale, it never gets old. Although it is a bit complicated or the story is a bit hard and sometimes sadly to children but for the is recomforting to know that it ends well.
Before reading Little Red Riding Hood, we are going to introduce the fairytale by eliciting our children’s knowledge of the story. Showing to the children the book cover to arouse their interest and trigger their memories. Who can they see on the cover? (Little Red Riding Hood) What’s she wearing? Where is she? Where’s she going? Is she a good girl? Why/not?
After we can introduce each character with the flashcards in turn. First of all, we have to ask our children to respond non verbally to the character flashcards through actions and/or noises.
Invent an action and/or noise to correspond to each character, for example, Little Red Riding Hood might skip, the Big Bad Wolf might growl, Mum might be making a cake, Grandma might be walking with a stick, the woodcutter might be cutting wood.
Can they mime those actions?
Now is't time to tell the all story. (If you don't know the story here you are)
After the telling: Retell the story and make deliberate mistakes. Ask your children to clap their
hands together when they hear a mistake. For example, “Once upon a time there was a
little boy…” CLAP! Continue telling the story with the correct word. Alternatively, ask
your children to say ‘Stop!’ and to correct any mistakes they hear. For example,
Teacher: “Once upon a time there was a little boy…”
Children: “Stop! ‘Girl!’'
Hope you like it and remember the appareances are not always the truth.
Ester C.
lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014
Today is... Multiple Intelligences turn!
Do you know something about them? Is this real or only a new version of common intelligences?
Everyone is able and everyone is more intelligent is some areas than others, the perfection in humans doesn't exist!
Why we call it: Multiple Intelligences? Who, when, and why someone creates this?

In 1991 Howard Gardner declared as his theory that: We are all able to know the world throught language, logical-mathematical, spatial representatio, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuales, and an understanding of ourselves".
In other words: Intelligence is the ability to solve problems everyday, is also the ability to generate problems and create effects and making solutions and creates or offer services within their own cultural sphere.
This eight multiple intelligences are:
Telling a story we can develop Multiple Intelligences here there are some simple activities related to storytelling, you can do it whenever you want in the pre-telling, telling or post telling.
Linguistic: We can: -Look for verbal threads.
-Defining the meaning of some key words in the story.
-Identify someone in the story who tells a story or otherwise demonstrates having verbal skill, lack of verbal skill, or a change in verbal skill.
Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist.
- Linguistic: Using language to present your ideas, to express your feelings, or to persuade others. Some actions about this MI are: Read, Write, Talk and Listen.
- Logical-Mathematical: Reasoning, logical thinking, handling mathetical problems. Some actions about this MI are: Quantify, Think critically, Reasoning, Experimenting.
- Visual-Spatial: Creating and interpreting visual images, thinking in three dimensions. Some actions about this MI are: See, Draw, Visualize, Color, Map.
- Bodily-Kinesthetic: Feeling and expressing things physically, doing hands-on works. Some actions about this MI are: Building, acting, touching, moving and dancing.
- Musical: Creating and feeling rythm to express a mood, detecting and analysing music themes. Some actions about this MI are: Singing, making raps, Play musical intruments, druming ryhtms.
- Interpersonal: (Between people). Understanding the feelings, needs and purposes of others. Some actions about this MI are: Sharing, Teaching, collaborating, interacting.
- Intrapersonal: (Winthin self) Understanding your interior own, thoughts and feelings in a different way and very clear way. Some actions about this MI are: Connecting to ourselves, making authentic choices and decisions; and constantly reflections about ourselves.
- Naturalist: Understanding nature, seeing patterns in the way nature works; classifaying things. Some actions related to this MI are: Experiences with loving nature, care for nature and explore.

Telling a story we can develop Multiple Intelligences here there are some simple activities related to storytelling, you can do it whenever you want in the pre-telling, telling or post telling.
Linguistic: We can: -Look for verbal threads.
-Defining the meaning of some key words in the story.
-Identify someone in the story who tells a story or otherwise demonstrates having verbal skill, lack of verbal skill, or a change in verbal skill.
Logical-Mathematical: -Are the chunks subdivided?
-How many sentences in each part?Look for numbers in the story
-In the story of The Three little pigs, We can count how many times the wolf blows in each house...
- Identify the way a character in the story use logical argumentation or thought. (Why the big pig instead of playing he wants to build his house?)
Spatial-Visual: -Use modeling material, blocks, or clothespins to create figures representing the characters.
-Define geographical areas or features with boxes, cloth or whatever is handy; position the figures in relation to one another at different points in the story.
Musical: -Sing a song related to the story.
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal : -Talk about the main character of the story how is his/ her mood is he/ she friendly? What are the characteristics of someone who is friendly?
Naturalistic: -Go to the zoo and identify the different animals . How do they differ? How are the same? How these differences affect the animal's relationships with its environment?
Bodily: - Do actions about the story like a "cuento motor" is a story that, children are doing some bodily actions of the story.
HOPE YOU LIKE IT! And remember that each is able to do something speacially, everyone is intelligent and unique.
Ester C.
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