lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014


Today is... Multiple Intelligences turn!

Do you know something about them? Is this real or only a new version of common intelligences?

Everyone is able and everyone is more intelligent is some areas than others, the perfection in humans doesn't exist!

Why we call it: Multiple Intelligences? Who, when, and why someone creates this?

The creator of "The Multiple Intelligences" was Howard Gardner a very important psychologist, who has identified eight distinct intelligences. This theory has emerged form recent cognitive researches.
In 1991 Howard Gardner declared as his theory that: We are all able to know the world throught language, logical-mathematical, spatial representatio, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuales, and an understanding of ourselves". 

In other words: Intelligence is the ability to solve problems everyday, is also the ability to generate problems and create effects and  making solutions and creates or offer services within their own cultural sphere.

This eight multiple intelligences are:

Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist.

  1. Linguistic: Using language to present your ideas, to express your feelings, or to persuade others. Some actions about this MI are: Read, Write, Talk and Listen.
  2. Logical-Mathematical: Reasoning, logical thinking, handling mathetical problems. Some actions about this MI are: Quantify, Think critically, Reasoning, Experimenting.
  3. Visual-Spatial: Creating and interpreting visual images, thinking in three dimensions. Some actions about this MI are: See, Draw, Visualize, Color, Map.
  4. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Feeling and expressing things physically, doing hands-on works. Some actions about this MI are: Building, acting, touching, moving and dancing.
  5. Musical:  Creating and feeling rythm to express a mood, detecting and analysing music themes. Some actions about this MI are: Singing, making raps, Play musical intruments, druming ryhtms.
  6. Interpersonal:  (Between people). Understanding the         feelings, needs and purposes of others. Some actions about                                                            this MI are: Sharing, Teaching, collaborating, interacting.
  7.  Intrapersonal:  (Winthin self) Understanding your interior own, thoughts and feelings in a different way and very clear way. Some actions about this MI are: Connecting to ourselves, making authentic choices and decisions; and constantly reflections about ourselves.
  8. Naturalist:  Understanding nature, seeing patterns in the way nature works; classifaying things. Some actions related to this MI are: Experiences with loving nature, care for nature and explore.
So know we know more about this interesting theory is time to apply this information into a practical way:


Telling a story we can develop Multiple Intelligences here there are some simple activities related to storytelling, you can do it whenever you want in the pre-telling, telling or post telling.

Linguistic:  We can: -Look for verbal threads.
                                 -Defining the meaning of  some key words in the story.
                                -Identify someone in the story who tells a story or otherwise demonstrates having                                   verbal skill, lack of verbal skill, or a change in verbal skill.

Logical-Mathematical: -Are the chunks subdivided? 
                                     -How many sentences in each part?Look for numbers in the story
                                -In the story of The Three little pigs, We can count how many times the wolf                                          blows in each house...
                                - Identify the way a character in the story use logical argumentation or thought.                                      (Why the big pig instead of playing he wants to build his house?) 

Spatial-Visual: -Use modeling material, blocks, or clothespins to create figures representing the                                     characters.
                        -Define geographical areas or features with boxes, cloth or whatever is handy; position                         the figures in relation to one another at different points in the story.

Musical: -Sing a song related to the story. 

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal : -Talk about the main character of the story how is his/ her mood is                                                he/ she friendly? What are the characteristics of someone who is                                                             friendly?

Naturalistic: -Go to the zoo and identify the different animals . How do they differ? How are the                               same? How these differences affect the animal's relationships with its environment?

Bodily: - Do actions about the story like a "cuento motor" is a story that, children are doing some                       bodily actions of the story.

                                                          HOPE YOU LIKE IT! And remember that each is able to do something speacially, everyone is intelligent and unique.

 Ester C.

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